

Earth-Hand thumb
Interpretation of Earth Film by Anna Cady and Suna Imre
Text Earthbound – Joan McGavin, With breath the slight sway of standing – Deborah Alma
Music Tricia Mann

Earth-Hand thumb
PRESENT STATES  The original film by Anna Cady and Suna Imre
Also titled Second Nature

Other interpretations no longer on this site:

Earth 2 Film Anna Cady and Suna Imre
Text  Extinct – Hugh Greasley, The bay – Hilary Hares, Eve, tempted – Hilary Hares
Audio Anna Bertmark

Earth 3 Film Anna Cady and Suna Imre
Text  Voyeur – Sue Burkett, Hive – Hugh Greasley
Music Stephen Solloway

Earth 4 Film Anna Cady and Suna Imre
Text Fallen angle – Zoë Mitchell, Postcards – Hugh Greasley
Music Tricia Mann