Suna Imre

Dancer and Film Collaborator

I’ve been making dance, art, performance and  installation for over fifteen years.  Improvisation lies at the heart of my investigations, and I develop ‘scores’ (a set of instructions) that enable the work to have a structure whilst allowing it to evolve in the present moment.

Contact improvisation is a passion and lately all of my work has stemmed from exploring this form in-depth.   How we connect to ourselves, one another and the world we live in has become my primary focus. I initially trained in Live Art/Performance and Visual Arts and then subsequently went on to work with many somatic dance practitioners including Andrea Olsen, Helen Poyner and Miranda Tufnell.  My contact improvisation practice has been informed by practitioners such as Nancy Stark Smith, Karen Nelson, Nitta Little, Lucia Walker, Charlie Morrissey and many more.

Weaving elements of teaching, performance, facilitation and the creation of new work into my day to day life feels like the perfect way to transmit and share the potential that somatic dance practice has to enhance lives.