Tricia Mann

Film: Anna Cady and Suna Imre
Text: Earthbound – Joan McGavin, With breath the slight sway of standing – Deborah Alma
Music: Tricia Mann

Film interests me greatly. I feel that music can make a great piece of cinematography greater, adding an extra layer that the director might not be able to achieve through film alone. When watching Earth, I originally felt that I needed to write something ambient as the film itself is quite calm and reflective . The thing that struck me about the film was the movement of the camera and the emphasis of the fish eye lens; I wanted to capture this movement which is why glissando is such a strong theme within my piece. I also wanted to make the movements of the dancer interactive within my music, listen out for how the pizzicato strings mimics her backwards steps. Through a combination of Sopranos, Altos, String quartet and some digital editing, I hope I have done justice to Anna and Suna’s creativity and that you enjoy my music.

Special thanks to Glen Kirkup for technical help. 

Tricia Mann is in her 3rd year at Southampton University reading music. She is a member of Southampton University Symphony Orchestra, and a past member of Hampshire County Youth Orchestra. (2013)

Composition has always been a huge passion and is something I want to pursue further after my degree.  My first instrument is Violin, and my second is piano which is key to my compositional process. Influences range from Björk to Beethoven, whilst my favourite composers are Debussy, Gershwin and Bernstein. The emphasis of my music is centred around harmony and melody, but mainly harmony.  I feel that in order to be able to compose anything properly I need to be able to envisage something that will relate to the music I need to write, simultaneously kick starting the compositional process.